unit Unit2; interface uses Windows, Messages, MMSystem, Classes, SysUtils, Math, Forms, Graphics, Controls; type TData8 = array[0..127] of byte; PData8 = ^TData8; TPointArr = array[0..127] of TPoint; PPointArr = ^TPointArr; TSoundCap = class(TCustomControl) private function GetMidValue(i: Integer): Integer; //计算中值 public FilterValve: Integer; //音频过滤的阀值 3 isCapture: boolean; constructor Create(handle: THandle); //overload; destructor Destroy; override; procedure OpenCapture(handle: THandle); procedure CloseCapture; procedure OnWaveIn(var Msg: TMessage); message MM_WIM_DATA; procedure StartCap; procedure StopCap; end; implementation uses unit1; { TSoundCap } var WaveIn: hWaveIn; hBuf: THandle; BufHead: TWaveHdr; bufsize: integer; Bits16: boolean; p: PPointArr; p2: PPointArr; stop: boolean = false; constructor TSoundCap.Create(Handle: THandle); //(AOwner: TComponent); begin // ParentWindow := AOwner; inherited Create(nil); ParentWindow := handle; isCapture := false; FilterValve := 3; end; destructor TSoundCap.Destroy; begin inherited; CloseCapture; end; //中值过滤 function TSoundCap.GetMidValue(i: Integer): Integer; var v0, v1, v2: integer; h: integer; mid: integer; begin h := 100; v0 := p^[i - 2].Y; v1 := p^[i - 1].Y; v2 := p^[i].Y; mid := (v0 + v1 + v2) div 3; if abs(abs(mid) - v1) > FilterValve then Result := mid else if abs(mid - h / 2) < FilterValve then Result := 0 else Result := v1; end; //处理Wave数据采集 procedure TSoundCap.OnWaveIn(var Msg: TMessage); var data8: PData8; i, x, y: integer; MaxValue, tmp: Integer; begin MaxValue := 0; Data8 := PData8(PWaveHdr(Msg.lParam)^.lpData); //将Buffer中采集的数据存入 P 中 for i := 0 to BufSize - 1 do begin x := i; y := Round(abs(data8^[i] - 128) * 100 / 128); //data8^[i] 为 128 - 256 之间 p^[i] := Point(x, y); //计算滤波后的值 , 滤波之后的数据存入 P2 中 if (i > 1) and (i < BufSize) then begin p2^[i] := Point(p^[i].X, GetMidValue(i)); end; //计算最大值 tmp := Round(abs(data8^[i] - 128) * 100 / 128); if tmp > MaxValue then MaxValue := tmp; end; p2^[0] := Point(p^[0].X, GetMidValue(2)); p2^[1] := Point(p^[0].X, GetMidValue(2)); //绘画音频曲线 with form1.PaintBox1.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBlack; Pen.Color := clGreen; FillRect(ClipRect); Polyline(Slice(p^, BufSize)); end; with form1.PaintBox2.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clBlack; Pen.Color := clGreen; FillRect(ClipRect); Polyline(Slice(p2^, BufSize)); end; if stop then WaveInAddBuffer(WaveIn, PWaveHdr(Msg.lParam), SizeOf(TWaveHdr)) else stop := true; //强度指示 form1.pb1.Position := MaxValue; end; //打开音频捕捉 procedure TSoundCap.OpenCapture(handle: THandle); var header: TWaveFormatEx; BufLen: word; buf: pointer; begin BufSize := 3 * 500 + 100; //TrackBar1.Position * 500 + 100; Bits16 := false; //CheckBox1.Checked; with header do begin wFormatTag := WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; nChannels := 1; nSamplesPerSec := 22050; wBitsPerSample := integer(Bits16) * 8 + 8; nBlockAlign := nChannels * (wBitsPerSample div 8); nAvgBytesPerSec := nSamplesPerSec * nBlockAlign; cbSize := 0; end; WaveInOpen(Addr(WaveIn), WAVE_MAPPER, addr(header), self.Handle, 0, CALLBACK_WINDOW); BufLen := header.nBlockAlign * BufSize; hBuf := GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE, BufLen); Buf := GlobalLock(hBuf); with BufHead do begin lpData := Buf; dwBufferLength := BufLen; dwFlags := WHDR_BEGINLOOP; end; WaveInPrepareHeader(WaveIn, Addr(BufHead), sizeof(BufHead)); WaveInAddBuffer(WaveIn, addr(BufHead), sizeof(BufHead)); GetMem(p, BufSize * sizeof(TPoint)); GetMem(p2, BufSize * sizeof(TPoint)); stop := true; WaveInStart(WaveIn); end; //关闭音频捕捉 procedure TSoundCap.CloseCapture; begin if stop = false then Exit; stop := false; while not stop do Application.ProcessMessages; //while not stop do sleep stop := false; WaveInReset(WaveIn); WaveInUnPrepareHeader(WaveIn, addr(BufHead), sizeof(BufHead)); WaveInClose(WaveIn); GlobalUnlock(hBuf); GlobalFree(hBuf); FreeMem(p, BufSize * sizeof(TPoint)); FreeMem(p2, BufSize * sizeof(TPoint)); end; //开始 procedure TSoundCap.StartCap; begin isCapture := true; end; //停止监视音频捕捉 procedure TSoundCap.StopCap; begin isCapture := false; end; end. unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,unit2, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Button1: TButton; pb1: TProgressBar; Button2: TButton; PaintBox1: TPaintBox; PaintBox2: TPaintBox; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); private SoundCap : TSoundCap; { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SoundCap := TSoundCap.Create(self.Handle); SoundCap.OpenCapture(self.Handle); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin SoundCap.CloseCapture; end; end.