Delphi AES,又一个加密算法例子,此算法为标准的AES算法,可根据自己的需要进行变形。AES加密算法也算是一种较常用的程序加密算法了,学会它的使用对编程有着重要意义,多参考一些别人写的AES算法,这非常有用处,希望你通过此示例AES算法,再掌握一些实用的AES加密技巧。
//AES DEMO V1.0//
//技术支持 在线QQ:40188696 UC:934155
//End //
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Label1: TLabel;
Label2: TLabel;
Label3: TLabel;
Edit1: TEdit;
Edit2: TEdit;
Button1: TButton;
Button2: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject,',',');
procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject,',',');
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
EAESError = class(Exception,',',');
PInteger = ^Integer;
TAESBuffer = array [0..15] of byte;
TAESKey128 = array [0..15] of byte;
TAESKey192 = array [0..23] of byte;
TAESKey256 = array [0..31] of byte;
TAESExpandedKey128 = array [0..43] of longword;
TAESExpandedKey192 = array [0..53] of longword;
TAESExpandedKey256 = array [0..63] of longword;
PAESBuffer =^TAESBuffer;
PAESKey128 =^TAESKey128;
PAESKey192 =^TAESKey192;
PAESKey256 =^TAESKey256;
PAESExpandedKey128 =^TAESExpandedKey128;
PAESExpandedKey192 =^TAESExpandedKey192;
PAESExpandedKey256 =^TAESExpandedKey256;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey128;
var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128,',','); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey192;
var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192,',','); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey256;
var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey128;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey192;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey256;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey128; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey192; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey256; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128,',','); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey128;
var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128,',','); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192,',','); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey192;
var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192,',','); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256,',','); overload;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey256;
var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey128;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey192;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey256;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey128; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey192; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey256; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',','); overload;
SInvalidInBufSize = 'Invalid buffer size for decryption';
SReadError = 'Stream read error';
SWriteError = 'Stream write error';
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
PLongWord = ^LongWord;
function Min(A, B: integer): integer;
if A < B then
Result := A
Result := B;
Rcon: array [1..30] of longword = (
$00000001, $00000002, $00000004, $00000008, $00000010, $00000020,
$00000040, $00000080, $0000001B, $00000036, $0000006C, $000000D8,
$000000AB, $0000004D, $0000009A, $0000002F, $0000005E, $000000BC,
$00000063, $000000C6, $00000097, $00000035, $0000006A, $000000D4,
$000000B3, $0000007D, $000000FA, $000000EF, $000000C5, $00000091
ForwardTable: array [0..255] of longword = (
$A56363C6, $847C7CF8, $997777EE, $8D7B7BF6, $0DF2F2FF, $BD6B6BD6, $B16F6FDE, $54C5C591,
$50303060, $03010102, $A96767CE, $7D2B2B56, $19FEFEE7, $62D7D7B5, $E6ABAB4D, $9A7676EC,
$45CACA8F, $9D82821F, $40C9C989, $877D7DFA, $15FAFAEF, $EB5959B2, $C947478E, $0BF0F0FB,
$ECADAD41, $67D4D4B3, $FDA2A25F, $EAAFAF45, $BF9C9C23, $F7A4A453, $967272E4, $5BC0C09B,
$C2B7B775, $1CFDFDE1, $AE93933D, $6A26264C, $5A36366C, $413F3F7E, $02F7F7F5, $4FCCCC83,
$5C343468, $F4A5A551, $34E5E5D1, $08F1F1F9, $937171E2, $73D8D8AB, $53313162, $3F15152A,
$0C040408, $52C7C795, $65232346, $5EC3C39D, $28181830, $A1969637, $0F05050A, $B59A9A2F,
$0907070E, $36121224, $9B80801B, $3DE2E2DF, $26EBEBCD, $6927274E, $CDB2B27F, $9F7575EA,
$1B090912, $9E83831D, $742C2C58, $2E1A1A34, $2D1B1B36, $B26E6EDC, $EE5A5AB4, $FBA0A05B,
$F65252A4, $4D3B3B76, $61D6D6B7, $CEB3B37D, $7B292952, $3EE3E3DD, $712F2F5E, $97848413,
$F55353A6, $68D1D1B9, $00000000, $2CEDEDC1, $60202040, $1FFCFCE3, $C8B1B179, $ED5B5BB6,
$BE6A6AD4, $46CBCB8D, $D9BEBE67, $4B393972, $DE4A4A94, $D44C4C98, $E85858B0, $4ACFCF85,
$6BD0D0BB, $2AEFEFC5, $E5AAAA4F, $16FBFBED, $C5434386, $D74D4D9A, $55333366, $94858511,
$CF45458A, $10F9F9E9, $06020204, $817F7FFE, $F05050A0, $443C3C78, $BA9F9F25, $E3A8A84B,
$F35151A2, $FEA3A35D, $C0404080, $8A8F8F05, $AD92923F, $BC9D9D21, $48383870, $04F5F5F1,
$DFBCBC63, $C1B6B677, $75DADAAF, $63212142, $30101020, $1AFFFFE5, $0EF3F3FD, $6DD2D2BF,
$4CCDCD81, $140C0C18, $35131326, $2FECECC3, $E15F5FBE, $A2979735, $CC444488, $3917172E,
$57C4C493, $F2A7A755, $827E7EFC, $473D3D7A, $AC6464C8, $E75D5DBA, $2B191932, $957373E6,
$A06060C0, $98818119, $D14F4F9E, $7FDCDCA3, $66222244, $7E2A2A54, $AB90903B, $8388880B,
$CA46468C, $29EEEEC7, $D3B8B86B, $3C141428, $79DEDEA7, $E25E5EBC, $1D0B0B16, $76DBDBAD,
$3BE0E0DB, $56323264, $4E3A3A74, $1E0A0A14, $DB494992, $0A06060C, $6C242448, $E45C5CB8,
$5DC2C29F, $6ED3D3BD, $EFACAC43, $A66262C4, $A8919139, $A4959531, $37E4E4D3, $8B7979F2,
$32E7E7D5, $43C8C88B, $5937376E, $B76D6DDA, $8C8D8D01, $64D5D5B1, $D24E4E9C, $E0A9A949,
$B46C6CD8, $FA5656AC, $07F4F4F3, $25EAEACF, $AF6565CA, $8E7A7AF4, $E9AEAE47, $18080810,
$D5BABA6F, $887878F0, $6F25254A, $722E2E5C, $241C1C38, $F1A6A657, $C7B4B473, $51C6C697,
$23E8E8CB, $7CDDDDA1, $9C7474E8, $211F1F3E, $DD4B4B96, $DCBDBD61, $868B8B0D, $858A8A0F,
$907070E0, $423E3E7C, $C4B5B571, $AA6666CC, $D8484890, $05030306, $01F6F6F7, $120E0E1C,
$A36161C2, $5F35356A, $F95757AE, $D0B9B969, $91868617, $58C1C199, $271D1D3A, $B99E9E27,
$38E1E1D9, $13F8F8EB, $B398982B, $33111122, $BB6969D2, $70D9D9A9, $898E8E07, $A7949433,
$B69B9B2D, $221E1E3C, $92878715, $20E9E9C9, $49CECE87, $FF5555AA, $78282850, $7ADFDFA5,
$8F8C8C03, $F8A1A159, $80898909, $170D0D1A, $DABFBF65, $31E6E6D7, $C6424284, $B86868D0,
$C3414182, $B0999929, $772D2D5A, $110F0F1E, $CBB0B07B, $FC5454A8, $D6BBBB6D, $3A16162C
LastForwardTable: array [0..255] of longword = (
$00000063, $0000007C, $00000077, $0000007B, $000000F2, $0000006B, $0000006F, $000000C5,
$00000030, $00000001, $00000067, $0000002B, $000000FE, $000000D7, $000000AB, $00000076,
$000000CA, $00000082, $000000C9, $0000007D, $000000FA, $00000059, $00000047, $000000F0,
$000000AD, $000000D4, $000000A2, $000000AF, $0000009C, $000000A4, $00000072, $000000C0,
$000000B7, $000000FD, $00000093, $00000026, $00000036, $0000003F, $000000F7, $000000CC,
$00000034, $000000A5, $000000E5, $000000F1, $00000071, $000000D8, $00000031, $00000015,
$00000004, $000000C7, $00000023, $000000C3, $00000018, $00000096, $00000005, $0000009A,
$00000007, $00000012, $00000080, $000000E2, $000000EB, $00000027, $000000B2, $00000075,
$00000009, $00000083, $0000002C, $0000001A, $0000001B, $0000006E, $0000005A, $000000A0,
$00000052, $0000003B, $000000D6, $000000B3, $00000029, $000000E3, $0000002F, $00000084,
$00000053, $000000D1, $00000000, $000000ED, $00000020, $000000FC, $000000B1, $0000005B,
$0000006A, $000000CB, $000000BE, $00000039, $0000004A, $0000004C, $00000058, $000000CF,
$000000D0, $000000EF, $000000AA, $000000FB, $00000043, $0000004D, $00000033, $00000085,
$00000045, $000000F9, $00000002, $0000007F, $00000050, $0000003C, $0000009F, $000000A8,
$00000051, $000000A3, $00000040, $0000008F, $00000092, $0000009D, $00000038, $000000F5,
$000000BC, $000000B6, $000000DA, $00000021, $00000010, $000000FF, $000000F3, $000000D2,
$000000CD, $0000000C, $00000013, $000000EC, $0000005F, $00000097, $00000044, $00000017,
$000000C4, $000000A7, $0000007E, $0000003D, $00000064, $0000005D, $00000019, $00000073,
$00000060, $00000081, $0000004F, $000000DC, $00000022, $0000002A, $00000090, $00000088,
$00000046, $000000EE, $000000B8, $00000014, $000000DE, $0000005E, $0000000B, $000000DB,
$000000E0, $00000032, $0000003A, $0000000A, $00000049, $00000006, $00000024, $0000005C,
$000000C2, $000000D3, $000000AC, $00000062, $00000091, $00000095, $000000E4, $00000079,
$000000E7, $000000C8, $00000037, $0000006D, $0000008D, $000000D5, $0000004E, $000000A9,
$0000006C, $00000056, $000000F4, $000000EA, $00000065, $0000007A, $000000AE, $00000008,
$000000BA, $00000078, $00000025, $0000002E, $0000001C, $000000A6, $000000B4, $000000C6,
$000000E8, $000000DD, $00000074, $0000001F, $0000004B, $000000BD, $0000008B, $0000008A,
$00000070, $0000003E, $000000B5, $00000066, $00000048, $00000003, $000000F6, $0000000E,
$00000061, $00000035, $00000057, $000000B9, $00000086, $000000C1, $0000001D, $0000009E,
$000000E1, $000000F8, $00000098, $00000011, $00000069, $000000D9, $0000008E, $00000094,
$0000009B, $0000001E, $00000087, $000000E9, $000000CE, $00000055, $00000028, $000000DF,
$0000008C, $000000A1, $00000089, $0000000D, $000000BF, $000000E6, $00000042, $00000068,
$00000041, $00000099, $0000002D, $0000000F, $000000B0, $00000054, $000000BB, $00000016
InverseTable: array [0..255] of longword = (
$50A7F451, $5365417E, $C3A4171A, $965E273A, $CB6BAB3B, $F1459D1F, $AB58FAAC, $9303E34B,
$55FA3020, $F66D76AD, $9176CC88, $254C02F5, $FCD7E54F, $D7CB2AC5, $80443526, $8FA362B5,
$495AB1DE, $671BBA25, $980EEA45, $E1C0FE5D, $02752FC3, $12F04C81, $A397468D, $C6F9D36B,
$E75F8F03, $959C9215, $EB7A6DBF, $DA595295, $2D83BED4, $D3217458, $2969E049, $44C8C98E,
$6A89C275, $78798EF4, $6B3E5899, $DD71B927, $B64FE1BE, $17AD88F0, $66AC20C9, $B43ACE7D,
$184ADF63, $82311AE5, $60335197, $457F5362, $E07764B1, $84AE6BBB, $1CA081FE, $942B08F9,
$58684870, $19FD458F, $876CDE94, $B7F87B52, $23D373AB, $E2024B72, $578F1FE3, $2AAB5566,
$0728EBB2, $03C2B52F, $9A7BC586, $A50837D3, $F2872830, $B2A5BF23, $BA6A0302, $5C8216ED,
$2B1CCF8A, $92B479A7, $F0F207F3, $A1E2694E, $CDF4DA65, $D5BE0506, $1F6234D1, $8AFEA6C4,
$9D532E34, $A055F3A2, $32E18A05, $75EBF6A4, $39EC830B, $AAEF6040, $069F715E, $51106EBD,
$F98A213E, $3D06DD96, $AE053EDD, $46BDE64D, $B58D5491, $055DC471, $6FD40604, $FF155060,
$24FB9819, $97E9BDD6, $CC434089, $779ED967, $BD42E8B0, $888B8907, $385B19E7, $DBEEC879,
$470A7CA1, $E90F427C, $C91E84F8, $00000000, $83868009, $48ED2B32, $AC70111E, $4E725A6C,
$FBFF0EFD, $5638850F, $1ED5AE3D, $27392D36, $64D90F0A, $21A65C68, $D1545B9B, $3A2E3624,
$B1670A0C, $0FE75793, $D296EEB4, $9E919B1B, $4FC5C080, $A220DC61, $694B775A, $161A121C,
$0ABA93E2, $E52AA0C0, $43E0223C, $1D171B12, $0B0D090E, $ADC78BF2, $B9A8B62D, $C8A91E14,
$8519F157, $4C0775AF, $BBDD99EE, $FD607FA3, $9F2601F7, $BCF5725C, $C53B6644, $347EFB5B,
$7629438B, $DCC623CB, $68FCEDB6, $63F1E4B8, $CADC31D7, $10856342, $40229713, $2011C684,
$7D244A85, $F83DBBD2, $1132F9AE, $6DA129C7, $4B2F9E1D, $F330B2DC, $EC52860D, $D0E3C177,
$6C16B32B, $99B970A9, $FA489411, $2264E947, $C48CFCA8, $1A3FF0A0, $D82C7D56, $EF903322,
$C74E4987, $C1D138D9, $FEA2CA8C, $360BD498, $CF81F5A6, $28DE7AA5, $268EB7DA, $A4BFAD3F,
$E49D3A2C, $0D927850, $9BCC5F6A, $62467E54, $C2138DF6, $E8B8D890, $5EF7392E, $F5AFC382,
$BE805D9F, $7C93D069, $A92DD56F, $B31225CF, $3B99ACC8, $A77D1810, $6E639CE8, $7BBB3BDB,
$097826CD, $F418596E, $01B79AEC, $A89A4F83, $656E95E6, $7EE6FFAA, $08CFBC21, $E6E815EF,
$D99BE7BA, $CE366F4A, $D4099FEA, $D67CB029, $AFB2A431, $31233F2A, $3094A5C6, $C066A235,
$37BC4E74, $A6CA82FC, $B0D090E0, $15D8A733, $4A9804F1, $F7DAEC41, $0E50CD7F, $2FF69117,
$8DD64D76, $4DB0EF43, $544DAACC, $DF0496E4, $E3B5D19E, $1B886A4C, $B81F2CC1, $7F516546,
$04EA5E9D, $5D358C01, $737487FA, $2E410BFB, $5A1D67B3, $52D2DB92, $335610E9, $1347D66D,
$8C61D79A, $7A0CA137, $8E14F859, $893C13EB, $EE27A9CE, $35C961B7, $EDE51CE1, $3CB1477A,
$59DFD29C, $3F73F255, $79CE1418, $BF37C773, $EACDF753, $5BAAFD5F, $146F3DDF, $86DB4478,
$81F3AFCA, $3EC468B9, $2C342438, $5F40A3C2, $72C31D16, $0C25E2BC, $8B493C28, $41950DFF,
$7101A839, $DEB30C08, $9CE4B4D8, $90C15664, $6184CB7B, $70B632D5, $745C6C48, $4257B8D0
LastInverseTable: array [0..255] of longword = (
$00000052, $00000009, $0000006A, $000000D5, $00000030, $00000036, $000000A5, $00000038,
$000000BF, $00000040, $000000A3, $0000009E, $00000081, $000000F3, $000000D7, $000000FB,
$0000007C, $000000E3, $00000039, $00000082, $0000009B, $0000002F, $000000FF, $00000087,
$00000034, $0000008E, $00000043, $00000044, $000000C4, $000000DE, $000000E9, $000000CB,
$00000054, $0000007B, $00000094, $00000032, $000000A6, $000000C2, $00000023, $0000003D,
$000000EE, $0000004C, $00000095, $0000000B, $00000042, $000000FA, $000000C3, $0000004E,
$00000008, $0000002E, $000000A1, $00000066, $00000028, $000000D9, $00000024, $000000B2,
$00000076, $0000005B, $000000A2, $00000049, $0000006D, $0000008B, $000000D1, $00000025,
$00000072, $000000F8, $000000F6, $00000064, $00000086, $00000068, $00000098, $00000016,
$000000D4, $000000A4, $0000005C, $000000CC, $0000005D, $00000065, $000000B6, $00000092,
$0000006C, $00000070, $00000048, $00000050, $000000FD, $000000ED, $000000B9, $000000DA,
$0000005E, $00000015, $00000046, $00000057, $000000A7, $0000008D, $0000009D, $00000084,
$00000090, $000000D8, $000000AB, $00000000, $0000008C, $000000BC, $000000D3, $0000000A,
$000000F7, $000000E4, $00000058, $00000005, $000000B8, $000000B3, $00000045, $00000006,
$000000D0, $0000002C, $0000001E, $0000008F, $000000CA, $0000003F, $0000000F, $00000002,
$000000C1, $000000AF, $000000BD, $00000003, $00000001, $00000013, $0000008A, $0000006B,
$0000003A, $00000091, $00000011, $00000041, $0000004F, $00000067, $000000DC, $000000EA,
$00000097, $000000F2, $000000CF, $000000CE, $000000F0, $000000B4, $000000E6, $00000073,
$00000096, $000000AC, $00000074, $00000022, $000000E7, $000000AD, $00000035, $00000085,
$000000E2, $000000F9, $00000037, $000000E8, $0000001C, $00000075, $000000DF, $0000006E,
$00000047, $000000F1, $0000001A, $00000071, $0000001D, $00000029, $000000C5, $00000089,
$0000006F, $000000B7, $00000062, $0000000E, $000000AA, $00000018, $000000BE, $0000001B,
$000000FC, $00000056, $0000003E, $0000004B, $000000C6, $000000D2, $00000079, $00000020,
$0000009A, $000000DB, $000000C0, $000000FE, $00000078, $000000CD, $0000005A, $000000F4,
$0000001F, $000000DD, $000000A8, $00000033, $00000088, $00000007, $000000C7, $00000031,
$000000B1, $00000012, $00000010, $00000059, $00000027, $00000080, $000000EC, $0000005F,
$00000060, $00000051, $0000007F, $000000A9, $00000019, $000000B5, $0000004A, $0000000D,
$0000002D, $000000E5, $0000007A, $0000009F, $00000093, $000000C9, $0000009C, $000000EF,
$000000A0, $000000E0, $0000003B, $0000004D, $000000AE, $0000002A, $000000F5, $000000B0,
$000000C8, $000000EB, $000000BB, $0000003C, $00000083, $00000053, $00000099, $00000061,
$00000017, $0000002B, $00000004, $0000007E, $000000BA, $00000077, $000000D6, $00000026,
$000000E1, $00000069, $00000014, $00000063, $00000055, $00000021, $0000000C, $0000007D
procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey128; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128,',',');
I, J: integer;
T: longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
ExpandedKey[0] := PLongWord(@Key[0])^;
ExpandedKey[1] := PLongWord(@Key[4])^;
ExpandedKey[2] := PLongWord(@Key[8])^;
ExpandedKey[3] := PLongWord(@Key[12])^;
I := 0; J := 1;
T := (ExpandedKey[I + 3] shl 24) or (ExpandedKey[I + 3] shr 8,',',');
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T)]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 24)];
ExpandedKey[I + 4] := ExpandedKey[I] xor
(W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor
((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16)) xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Rcon[J];
ExpandedKey[I + 5] := ExpandedKey[I + 1] xor ExpandedKey[I + 4];
ExpandedKey[I + 6] := ExpandedKey[I + 2] xor ExpandedKey[I + 5];
ExpandedKey[I + 7] := ExpandedKey[I + 3] xor ExpandedKey[I + 6];
Inc(I, 4,',',');
until I >= 40;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey192; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192,',','); overload;
I, J: integer;
T: longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
ExpandedKey[0] := PLongWord(@Key[0])^;
ExpandedKey[1] := PLongWord(@Key[4])^;
ExpandedKey[2] := PLongWord(@Key[8])^;
ExpandedKey[3] := PLongWord(@Key[12])^;
ExpandedKey[4] := PLongWord(@Key[16])^;
ExpandedKey[5] := PLongWord(@Key[20])^;
I := 0; J := 1;
T := (ExpandedKey[I + 5] shl 24) or (ExpandedKey[I + 5] shr 8,',',');
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T)]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 24)];
ExpandedKey[I + 6] := ExpandedKey[I] xor
(W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor
((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16)) xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Rcon[J];
ExpandedKey[I + 7] := ExpandedKey[I + 1] xor ExpandedKey[I + 6];
ExpandedKey[I + 8] := ExpandedKey[I + 2] xor ExpandedKey[I + 7];
ExpandedKey[I + 9] := ExpandedKey[I + 3] xor ExpandedKey[I + 8];
ExpandedKey[I + 10] := ExpandedKey[I + 4] xor ExpandedKey[I + 9];
ExpandedKey[I + 11] := ExpandedKey[I + 5] xor ExpandedKey[I + 10];
Inc(I, 6,',',');
until I >= 46;
procedure ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(const Key: TAESKey256; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256,',','); overload;
I, J: integer;
T: longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
ExpandedKey[0] := PLongWord(@Key[0])^;
ExpandedKey[1] := PLongWord(@Key[4])^;
ExpandedKey[2] := PLongWord(@Key[8])^;
ExpandedKey[3] := PLongWord(@Key[12])^;
ExpandedKey[4] := PLongWord(@Key[16])^;
ExpandedKey[5] := PLongWord(@Key[20])^;
ExpandedKey[6] := PLongWord(@Key[24])^;
ExpandedKey[7] := PLongWord(@Key[28])^;
I := 0; J := 1;
T := (ExpandedKey[I + 7] shl 24) or (ExpandedKey[I + 7] shr 8,',',');
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T)]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T shr 24)];
ExpandedKey[I + 8] := ExpandedKey[I] xor
(W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor
((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16)) xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Rcon[J];
ExpandedKey[I + 9] := ExpandedKey[I + 1] xor ExpandedKey[I + 8];
ExpandedKey[I + 10] := ExpandedKey[I + 2] xor ExpandedKey[I + 9];
ExpandedKey[I + 11] := ExpandedKey[I + 3] xor ExpandedKey[I + 10];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(ExpandedKey[I + 11])];
W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(ExpandedKey[I + 11] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(ExpandedKey[I + 11] shr 16)];
W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(ExpandedKey[I + 11] shr 24)];
ExpandedKey[I + 12] := ExpandedKey[I + 4] xor
(W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor
((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16)) xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8)),',',');
ExpandedKey[I + 13] := ExpandedKey[I + 5] xor ExpandedKey[I + 12];
ExpandedKey[I + 14] := ExpandedKey[I + 6] xor ExpandedKey[I + 13];
ExpandedKey[I + 15] := ExpandedKey[I + 7] xor ExpandedKey[I + 14];
Inc(I, 8,',',');
until I >= 52;
procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey128;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',',');
T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
// initializing
T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[0];
T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[1];
T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[2];
T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[3];
// performing transformation 9 times
// round 1
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
// round 2
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
// round 3
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
// round 4
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
// round 5
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
// round 6
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
// round 7
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
// round 8
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
// round 9
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
// last round of transformations
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
// finalizing
PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];
procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey192;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',',');
T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
// initializing
T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[0];
T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[1];
T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[2];
T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[3];
// performing transformation 11 times
// round 1
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
// round 2
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
// round 3
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
// round 4
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
// round 5
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
// round 6
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
// round 7
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
// round 8
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
// round 9
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
// round 10
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
// round 11
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[44];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[45];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[46];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[47];
// last round of transformations
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[48];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[49];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[50];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[51];
// finalizing
PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];
procedure EncryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey256;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',',');
T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
// initializing
T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[0];
T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[1];
T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[2];
T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[3];
// performing transformation 13 times
// round 1
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
// round 2
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
// round 3
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
// round 4
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
// round 5
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
// round 6
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
// round 7
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
// round 8
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
// round 9
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
// round 10
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
// round 11
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[44];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[45];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[46];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[47];
// round 12
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[48];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[49];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[50];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[51];
// round 13
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[52];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[53];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[54];
W0 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := ForwardTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[55];
// last round of transformations
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[56];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[57];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[58];
W0 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastForwardTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[59];
// finalizing
PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128,',',');
I: integer;
U, F2, F4, F8, F9: longword;
for I := 1 to 9 do
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey128; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128,',',');
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192,',',');
I: integer;
U, F2, F4, F8, F9: longword;
for I := 1 to 11 do
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey192; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192,',',');
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256,',',');
I: integer;
U, F2, F4, F8, F9: longword;
for I := 1 to 13 do
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 1] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 2] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
F9 := ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3];
U := F9 and $80808080;
F2 := ((F9 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F2 and $80808080;
F4 := ((F2 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
U := F4 and $80808080;
F8 := ((F4 and $7F7F7F7F) shl 1) xor ((U - (U shr 7)) and $1B1B1B1B,',',');
F9 := F9 xor F8;
ExpandedKey[I * 4 + 3] := F2 xor F4 xor F8 xor
(((F2 xor F9) shl 24) or ((F2 xor F9) shr 8)) xor
(((F4 xor F9) shl 16) or ((F4 xor F9) shr 16)) xor ((F9 shl 8) or (F9 shr 24),',',');
procedure ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(const Key: TAESKey256; var ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256,',',');
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey128;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',',');
T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
// initializing
T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[40];
T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[41];
T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[42];
T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[43];
// performing transformations 9 times
// round 1
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
// round 2
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
// round 3
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
// round 4
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
// round 5
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
// round 6
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
// round 7
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
// round 8
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
// round 9
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
// last round of transformations
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[0];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[1];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[2];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[3];
// finalizing
PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];
procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey192;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',',');
T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
// initializing
T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[48];
T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[49];
T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[50];
T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[51];
// performing transformations 11 times
// round 1
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[44];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[45];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[46];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[47];
// round 2
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
// round 3
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
// round 4
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
// round 5
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
// round 6
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
// round 7
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
// round 8
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
// round 9
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
// round 10
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
// round 11
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
// last round of transformations
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[0];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[1];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[2];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[3];
// finalizing
PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];
procedure DecryptAES(const InBuf: TAESBuffer; const Key: TAESExpandedKey256;
var OutBuf: TAESBuffer,',',');
T0, T1: array [0..3] of longword;
W0, W1, W2, W3: longword;
// initializing
T0[0] := PLongWord(@InBuf[0])^ xor Key[56];
T0[1] := PLongWord(@InBuf[4])^ xor Key[57];
T0[2] := PLongWord(@InBuf[8])^ xor Key[58];
T0[3] := PLongWord(@InBuf[12])^ xor Key[59];
// performing transformations 13 times
// round 1
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[52];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[53];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[54];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[55];
// round 2
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[48];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[49];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[50];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[51];
// round 3
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[44];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[45];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[46];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[47];
// round 4
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[40];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[41];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[42];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[43];
// round 5
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[36];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[37];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[38];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[39];
// round 6
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[32];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[33];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[34];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[35];
// round 7
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[28];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[29];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[30];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[31];
// round 8
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[24];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[25];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[26];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[27];
// round 9
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[20];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[21];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[22];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[23];
// round 10
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[16];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[17];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[18];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[19];
// round 11
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[12];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[13];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[14];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[15];
// round 12
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[8];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[9];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[10];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[11];
// round 13
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 24)];
T1[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[4];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 24)];
T1[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[5];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3] shr 24)];
T1[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[6];
W0 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[3])]; W1 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[2] shr 8)];
W2 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[1] shr 16)]; W3 := InverseTable[Byte(T0[0] shr 24)];
T1[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[7];
// last round of transformations
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 24)];
T0[0] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[0];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 24)];
T0[1] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[1];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3] shr 24)];
T0[2] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[2];
W0 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[3])]; W1 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[2] shr 8)];
W2 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[1] shr 16)]; W3 := LastInverseTable[Byte(T1[0] shr 24)];
T0[3] := (W0 xor ((W1 shl 8) or (W1 shr 24)) xor ((W2 shl 16) or (W2 shr 16))
xor ((W3 shl 24) or (W3 shr 8))) xor Key[3];
// finalizing
PLongWord(@OutBuf[0])^ := T0[0]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[4])^ := T0[1];
PLongWord(@OutBuf[8])^ := T0[2]; PLongWord(@OutBuf[12])^ := T0[3];
// Stream encryption routines (ECB mode)
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey128; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
EncryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey192; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
EncryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey256; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
EncryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
if Count > 0 then
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count,',',');
if Done < Count then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0,',',');
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
if Count > 0 then
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count,',',');
if Done < Count then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0,',',');
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
if Count > 0 then
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count,',',');
if Done < Count then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0,',',');
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
// Stream decryption routines (ECB mode)
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey128; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;
ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
DecryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest,',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize,',',');
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey192; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;
ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
DecryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest,',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize,',',');
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey256; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;
ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
DecryptAESStreamECB(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, Dest,',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamECB(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize,',',');
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
// Stream encryption routines (CBC mode)
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut, Vector: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
Vector := InitVector;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Vector := TempOut;
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
if Count > 0 then
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count,',',');
if Done < Count then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0,',',');
PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut, Vector: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
Vector := InitVector;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Vector := TempOut;
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
if Count > 0 then
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count,',',');
if Done < Count then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0,',',');
PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;
ExpandAESKeyForEncryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest,',',');
procedure EncryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut, Vector: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
Vector := InitVector;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
Vector := TempOut;
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
if Count > 0 then
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, Count,',',');
if Done < Count then
raise EStreamError.Create(SReadError,',',');
FillChar(TempIn[Count], SizeOf(TempIn) - Count, 0,',',');
PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempIn[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector[12])^;
EncryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError.Create(SWriteError,',',');
// Stream decryption routines (CBC mode)
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128;
ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest,',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey128; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Vector1, Vector2: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize,',',');
Vector1 := InitVector;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError(SReadError,',',');
Vector2 := TempIn;
DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[12])^;
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError(SWriteError,',',');
Vector1 := Vector2;
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192;
ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest,',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey192; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Vector1, Vector2: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize,',',');
Vector1 := InitVector;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError(SReadError,',',');
Vector2 := TempIn;
DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[12])^;
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError(SWriteError,',',');
Vector1 := Vector2;
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const Key: TAESKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer; Dest: TStream,',',');
ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256;
ExpandAESKeyForDecryption(Key, ExpandedKey,',',');
DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source, Count, ExpandedKey, InitVector, Dest,',',');
procedure DecryptAESStreamCBC(Source: TStream; Count: cardinal;
const ExpandedKey: TAESExpandedKey256; const InitVector: TAESBuffer;
Dest: TStream,',',');
TempIn, TempOut: TAESBuffer;
Vector1, Vector2: TAESBuffer;
Done: cardinal;
if Count = 0 then
Source.Position := 0;
Count := Source.Size;
else Count := Min(Count, Source.Size - Source.Position,',',');
if Count = 0 then exit;
if (Count mod SizeOf(TAESBuffer)) > 0 then
raise EAESError.Create(SInvalidInBufSize,',',');
Vector1 := InitVector;
while Count >= SizeOf(TAESBuffer) do
Done := Source.Read(TempIn, SizeOf(TempIn),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempIn) then
raise EStreamError(SReadError,',',');
Vector2 := TempIn;
DecryptAES(TempIn, ExpandedKey, TempOut,',',');
PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[0])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[0])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[4])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[4])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[8])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[8])^;
PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ := PLongWord(@TempOut[12])^ xor PLongWord(@Vector1[12])^;
Done := Dest.Write(TempOut, SizeOf(TempOut),',',');
if Done < SizeOf(TempOut) then
raise EStreamError(SWriteError,',',');
Vector1 := Vector2;
Dec(Count, SizeOf(TAESBuffer),',',');
function StringToHex(S: string): string;
i: integer;
Result := '';
for i := 1 to Length( S ) do
Result := Result + IntToHex( Ord( S[i] ), 2 ,',',');
function HexToString(S: string): string;
i: integer;
Result := '';
for i := 1 to Length( S ) do
if ((i mod 2) = 1) then
Result := Result + Chr( StrToInt( '0x' + Copy( S, i, 2 )),',',');
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject,',',');
Source: TStringStream;
Dest: TStringStream;
Start, Stop: cardinal;
Size: integer;
Key: TAESKey128;
Source := TStringStream.Create(Edit1.Text,',',');
Dest := TStringStream.Create( '' ,',',');
Size := Source.Size;
Dest.WriteBuffer( Size, SizeOf(Size) ,',',');
FillChar( Key, SizeOf(Key), 0 ,',',');
Move( PChar('ksaiy')^, Key, Min( SizeOf( Key ), Length('ksaiy')),',',');//此处ksaiy为key,您可以自己设定自己的key;
Start := GetTickCount;
EncryptAESStreamECB( Source, 0, Key, Dest ,',',');
Stop := GetTickCount;
RegCode:= StringToHex( Dest.DataString ,',',');
if RegCode=Edit2.Text then