<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=gb2312"%>
<%@ page session="true" %>
<%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>
String product_type;
String action;
int product_id;
int curpage;
if (request.getParameter("product_type")==null){
if (request.getParameter("curpage")==null){
if (request.getParameter("action")==null){
if (request.getParameter("product_id")==null){
int bbb;
Integer num = new Integer(bbb);
String guest_name=(String)session.getValue("guest_name");
Integer shop_id=(Integer)session.getValue("shop_id");
java.lang.String sql;
java.sql.ResultSet rs;
if (action.compareTo("add")==0) {
sql="select cart_quantity from shop_cart where "
+ "cart_shop_id=" + shop_id + " and cart_guest_id=""
+ guest_name + "" and cart_product_id=" + product_id ;
rs = bka.executeQuery(sql);
if (rs.next()){
int cart_quantity;
sql="update shop_cart set cart_quantity="
+ cart_quantity + " where cart_shop_id="
+ shop_id + " and cart_guest_id="" + guest_name
+ "" and cart_product_id=" + product_id ;
rs = bka.executeQuery(sql);}
sql="insert into shop_cart (cart_shop_id,cart_guest_id,"
+"cart_product_id,cart_quantity) values ("" + shop_id
+ "","" + guest_name + "","" + product_id + "",1)";
rs = bka.executeQuery(sql);
if (action.compareTo("clear")==0) {
sql="delete from shop_cart where cart_shop_id=" + shop_id
+ " and cart_guest_id="" + guest_name + """;
rs = bka.executeQuery(sql);
if (action.compareTo("delete")==0) {
sql="delete from shop_cart where cart_shop_id=" + shop_id
+ " and cart_guest_id="" + guest_name + "" and cart_product_id="
+ product_id ;
rs = bka.executeQuery(sql);
<> | <> | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
<% }else{ %> 购物车为空! <% } %> 数据库操作部分 程序用到两个表: 1 shop_cart表 cart_id int 购物车编号 自动编号 cart_shop_id nvarchar 商店编号 cart_product_id nvarchar 商品编号 cart_quantity int 商品数量 临时存放购物车数据 2 shop_product表 product_id int 商品编号 自动编号 shop_id nvarchar 商店编号 product_name nvarchar 商品名称 product_bb nvarchar 商品介绍 product_price int 市场价 product_discount int 优惠价 product_img img 图片 product_status nvarchar 状态 product_first int 定金比例 product_type nvanchar 商品类型 存放商品资料 使用bka.java制成的javabean:bka.class可以提供对数据库的操作。 另外,需在控制面板的系统DSN中注册bka.dsn, 从而可使JSP通过JDBC-ODBC来调用sql数据库。 在页面中调用javabean,基本上可采用以下方式: <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %> <% String sql="select * from xxx"; ResultSet rs = RegisterBean.executeQuery(sql); if(rs.next()) { rs.close(); RegisterBean.closeStmt(); session.putValue("register_message","duplicate name found!"); } %> 注意应在使用后将rs关闭。 以下是bka.java的源程序。注意在使用前需用javac加以编译成为class文件即javabean. --shop/bka.java-- package shop; import java.sql.*; public class bka { String sDBDriver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; String sConnStr = "jdbc:odbc:bka"; Connection conn = null; ResultSet rs = null; public bka() { try { Class.forName(sDBDriver); } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("bka(): " + e.getMessage()); } } public ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) { rs = null; try { conn = DriverManager.getConnection(sConnStr,"xxx","yyy"); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); } catch(SQLException ex) { System.err.println("aq.executeQuery: " + ex.getMessage()); } return rs; } } 1、重新计费部分还没有做好,大家自己动手吧! 2、下一版本将用session做。 //shop_cart.jsp <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=gb2312"%> <%@ page session="true" %> <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %> <% String product_type; String action; int product_id; int curpage; //商品类型 if (request.getParameter("product_type")==null){ product_type="all"; }else{ product_type=request.getParameter("product_type"); } //页数和商品类型参数,可以在“继续购物”时返回到上次购物的页面 if (request.getParameter("curpage")==null){ curpage=1; }else{ curpage=java.lang.Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("curpage")); } //动作 if (request.getParameter("action")==null){ action="view"; }else{ action=request.getParameter("action"); } //商品编号 if (request.getParameter("product_id")==null){ product_id=0; } else{ product_id=java.lang.Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter("product_id")); } int bbb; bbb=1; Integer num = new Integer(bbb); //商店编号 session.putValue("shop_id",num); //顾客username session.putValue("guest_name","asp2001"); String guest_name=(String)session.getValue("guest_name"); Integer shop_id=(Integer)session.getValue("shop_id"); java.lang.String sql; java.sql.ResultSet rs; if (action.compareTo("add")==0) { sql="select cart_quantity from shop_cart where " + "cart_shop_id=" + shop_id + " and cart_guest_id="" + guest_name + "" and cart_product_id=" + product_id ; rs = bka.executeQuery(sql); if (rs.next()){ int cart_quantity; cart_quantity=java.lang.Integer.parseInt( rs.getString("cart_quantity"))+1; sql="update shop_cart set cart_quantity=" + cart_quantity + " where cart_shop_id=" + shop_id + " and cart_guest_id="" + guest_name + "" and cart_product_id=" + product_id ; rs = bka.executeQuery(sql);} else { sql="insert into shop_cart (cart_shop_id,cart_guest_id," +"cart_product_id,cart_quantity) values ("" + shop_id + "","" + guest_name + "","" + product_id + "",1)"; rs = bka.executeQuery(sql); } } if (action.compareTo("clear")==0) { sql="delete from shop_cart where cart_shop_id=" + shop_id + " and cart_guest_id="" + guest_name + """; rs = bka.executeQuery(sql); } if (action.compareTo("delete")==0) { sql="delete from shop_cart where cart_shop_id=" + shop_id + " and cart_guest_id="" + guest_name + "" and cart_product_id=" + product_id ; rs = bka.executeQuery(sql); } %>