由于在单位使用到发手机短信息的地方有很多,可能是从网页、可能是OUTLOOK中的窗体、也可能是某台非Windows操作系统的主机的某个系统,所以经过思考探讨,觉得最好的解决方案是采用Windows的“服务”,定时从一个目录中固定格式的文本文件中读取出相应的信息,发送出去。而其它客户端只需往该目录写入文本信息即可。思路定下来后就让我们开始吧! 2fV\d?SB
先交待一下开发平台: M=6XYU
, !gsI_6|w
Windows 2000 Advance Server操作系统 _[G:i*)
Visual Studio .Net |JQzS.P/F
Oxygen Sms ActiveX Control V2.3 (Share Ware) ?F<YUeT
Nokia 3210手机通过数据线接在COM1上。 !Ir~iob
运行Visual Studio .Net,新建一个C#的项目,选择“Windows Server”类型的项目,命名为“SmsServer”。在Server1的设计画面,将“ServerName”命名为“SmsServer”。点击“视图设计器按钮”切换到设计画面,在“Windows Forms”工具箱中拖一时钟控件,命名为“SmsTimer”,在“Components”工具箱中拖一“EventLog”控件。命名为“eventLog1”。在“项目”菜单中点击“添加引用”,选择“COM”页,浏览到安装Oxygen Sms ActiveX Control V2.3程序的目录,找到SMSControl.ocx添加到“选定的组件”中。 w s?{(Zl
将Server1.cs代码替换为 PsT?tK^,;
o8_)f COS
using System; BC8I!*SN
using System.Collections; uh1*|Ww^E
using System.ComponentModel; x_{rP{I
using System.Data; 9i'/d ,Y/
using System.Diagnostics; +Zu)Z<3c-S
using System.ServiceProcess; |5-*,ao
using System.IO; RmK~/PFU
using System.Text }jLL
namespace SmsServer I=6q!`
{ btS cU;n
public class SmsServer : System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase pTnf0WI
{ ivz-/6_(x
private System.Timers.Timer SmsTimer; 1RR2|O
private System.Diagnostics.EventLog eventLog1; mzKZL8bz
public O2SMSXControl.O2SMSX SmsX1;//定义手机短信对象 -D;J*0'
// <summary> F}}GyC
// Required designer variable. W d5FV,BL
// </summary> #;;:~;lXk
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null; } WCyFj:9
public SmsServer() ! M:z<5E"
{ vW abjA.f
// This call is required by the Windows.Forms Component Designer. & ecD
Bc } /onP
InitializeComponent(); #5& 8) V
// TODO: Add any initialization after the InitComponent call EY,~)[`
} SCpv}6`0
// The main entry point for the process 8[wgsY$HK
static void Main() q$^Lpd4
{ C/8K7MC'N
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun; s[ Qz:I)
// More than one user Service may run within the same process. To add 6=C,d2ILC
// another service to this process, change the following line to |_8cYTXw
// create a second service object. For example, x3CKx&NS
// _L=+mdeq
// ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] {new Service1(), new MySecondUserService()}; cyi7!zGc
// R5/~oAd[
ServicesToRun = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] { new SmsServer() }; wX7
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.Run(ServicesToRun); y#$z4lE#
} tM 3-p
/// <summary> w[i' -jD
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify }6H>z P
/// the contents of this method with the code editor. T6qA6
/// </summary> `Gvv0>aw
Hq p$SA{B
private void InitializeComponent() +4{MNmoB
{ e%; u,!PK+
this.SmsTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); . ~!SUg0m
this.eventLog1 = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog(); u^ 1L9Y
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.SmsTimer)).BeginInit(); V4tvh*Jn
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.eventLog1)).BeginInit(); NnB!8|-
// tL8>sY;
// SmsTimer D+)}8v9
// >68 6Y9qJ
this.SmsTimer.Enabled = true; #X)s( |7w
this.SmsTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(this.SmsTimer_Elapsed); B pt}!}8
// N"j=7
// SmsServer ~W_AiT h[
// uj`f K
this.ServiceName = SmsServer; f =1[
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.SmsTimer)).EndInit(); `7j!S!'8
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.eventLog1)).EndInit(); g'i & 5dX
} Nq\)`X7N0
/// <summary> =Q)T$yg?
/// Clean up any resources being used. Z=v -;j@%
/// </summary> S.yVJ[e(
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) s)6`$?Zj
{ `]^"q5h'P
if( disposing ) k4o aX
{ 7vvo$'.
if (components != null) g{:-w|x2
{ ktEWo:,R@
components.Dispose(); E"1ZD'%y
} d1/5'JZA
} j;p]Fbf*b
base.Dispose( disposing ); ?H%q<2WvJ
} K.!oV!?q
3i$? )0l<
/// <summary> U'~j6P06
/// Set things in motion so your service can do its work. [.!\}0z*
/// </summary> QcEf_s*3
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) )`Eeo
{ v87}p/
// TODO: Add code here to start your service. mA(a:rY-
//开始服务时初始化手机. a|"}Np{
SmsX1 = new O2SMSXControl.O2SMSXClass (); rmo|& 2X7
SmsX1.ConnectionMode = 0; //联线类型cable 2j JIOm1
SmsX1.ComNumber = 1; //联接端口为com 1 vt'[^.r
SmsX1.Model = 0; //手机类型3210 iT{OdL
SmsX1.Open (); //联接手机 ]x+yrS3qQh
SmsX1.SetSMSCNumber (+8613800754500);//信息中心号码 ocUCtu2*g
} m{;= vD
/// <summary> rwk98SU-t
/// Stop this service. NmTB'RRK
/// </summary> @HA
dR(B \O
protected override void OnStop() B37V3N&
{ }5U|3|\6
// TODO: Add code here to perform any tear-down necessary to stop your service. dl jFB\
SmsX1.Close (); Wy12;iuCf
} wZH7(&l96a
private void SmsTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) O ,"mLE[
{ O3Y0#^
//当f:\\sms\\data\\filetosend有文件时,先关闭时钟,将其发送出去,并删除掉文件再启动时钟 \kIX*rq #
this.SmsTimer.Enabled =false; 81o^PdK
g A[wO@
//目录对象 ?k'zKV[c
DirectoryInfo cd = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(F:\\\\Sms\\\\Data\\\\FileToSend); #}hzU q
//数据库记录变量 #"KTqqH
string rsId; x(,`6+:kd
string rsPhoneNum; v~&-p"OA'/
string rsSmsText; [Q #u4Fx
}k 0 8}Rv
string StrSql; V}SN}4$L
g8DH; =t
//首先,在当前目录中列举当前的所有SMS文件 ]QA B_
foreach(FileInfo FileSend in cd.GetFiles ()) 7w|Y "`g
{ >1" ZIwp&
try .=>Kw
{ }c8M,5c
//依次打开每个文件读取文件内容 < z/ yQJ
FileStream fs = new FileStream (cd.FullName + \\\\ + FileSend.Name,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read ); P"DFkc
StreamReader sr; mG)y 3G
sr = new StreamReader(fs,UnicodeEncoding.GetEncoding (GB2312)); '9wl %4edn
rsId = FileSend.Name .ToString (); k#dizXK`S
rsId = rsId.Replace (.sms,); \FSb0T$[4
rsId = rsId.Trim (); AHq? .Xe
rsPhoneNum = sr.ReadLine (); G0=\&rv_zK
rsPhoneNum = rsPhoneNum.Trim (); YfAk#pRF
if (rsPhoneNum.Length >11) 'ZHxS(
rsPhoneNum = rsPhoneNum.Substring (0,10); @0;;5a
rsSmsText = sr.ReadToEnd(); N'\9v SR%
rsSmsText = rsSmsText.Trim (); vVpAWI>nd
if (rsSmsText.Length >50) o]e!G(E
rsSmsText.Substring (0,49); 7Y\ToJ}
fs.Close (); DL:!%_
sr.Close (); ] `N:~*
//发送短信息 @R=,'\Wk
SmsX1.SendUnicodeSMSMessage (rsPhoneNum.ToString (),rsSmsText.ToString (),6,false,); pC_j6;nn.
//备份并删除文件 K y9g)y
FileSend.CopyTo (F:\\\\Sms\\\\Data\\\\HadBeenSend\\\\ + FileSend.Name ,true); GR)c7Y'*8
FileSend.Delete (); a6a}4EpT
} tbky Fm
catch(System.Exception E) u;w `F
{ ft5}N*C(e6
//出错写LOG文件 it 'gS=8
eventLog1.WriteEntry (E.Message.ToString ()); C(3 Wn:mg
} OvLH<;v
} ,h5"Z 2L
//重新启动时钟 rNlUh
this.SmsTimer.Enabled =true; tG[K j+
} UywGpZkcr)
} lXx& ^D,]{
} e|@nNk
在 Server1.cs切换设计画面,在属性窗口下点击“Add Installer”,系统自动增加ProjectInstaller.cs文件,点击serviceInstaller1,设置“Server Name”设置为“SmsServer”,点击“serviceProcessInstaller1”,设置Account为“LocalSystem”。 ,J0\Y
选择菜单“生成”中的“生成SmsServer”,改正可能有的错误。进行DOS命令行,进行项目目录的\\bin\\debug目录下,执行“installutil SmsServer”,如果找不到installutil程序,就先Path一下。这时,在管理工具的“服务”下可以找到“SmsServer”服务了。启动该服务。这里默认源为目录F:\\Sms\\Data\\FileToSend,如果这个目录有.SMS文件,就读取其第一行为发送的手机号码,第二行到文本结束为短信息内容,然后发送短信息,再将文本备份到F:\\Sms\\Data\\HadBeenSend\\。 ALjo<6(?
$~ .
让我们再回头看一下Server1.cs中的代码。首先在命令空间要增加“using System.IO; using System.Text ”方便处理文件及文本对象,在命名类时 J*Rqeaq=8
public class SmsServer : System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase 5PP$x):)E
{ RHp]>~
private System.Timers.Timer SmsTimer; sxT"#x
private System.Diagnostics.EventLog eventLog1; ,(l_ 8
public O2SMSXControl.O2SMSX SmsX1;//定义手机短信对象 8:-W~sWks
...... O.+^+k
引用Oxygen控件中的定义SmsX1对象,然后在启动服务时初始化手机对象: * y!q#JB
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) 9o\^h(J
{ @ea!u:?i
// TODO: Add code here to start your service. eMPm_|
//开始服务时初始化手机. l.K PqIJ
SmsX1 = new O2SMSXControl.O2SMSXClass (); Lx\c*/
SmsX1.ConnectionMode = 0; //联线类型cable P`2dtF;
SmsX1.ComNumber = 1; //联接端口为com 1 Es8yl
SmsX1.Model = 0; //手机类型3210 8EX`v0lEe
SmsX1.Open (); //联接手机 X EY|8n
SmsX1.SetSMSCNumber (+8613800754500);//信息中心号码 ,)N- 5g
} @(0ix;o_L
0 Gpvw
其中要注意的是要初始化信息中心号码,如果不初始化,经常有发不去的情况。然后当时钟触发时ya 注意先将时钟关掉,再列举当前目录中的.SMS文件,逐一发送出去,再将时钟打开,同时在读文件时,要注意文件的编码 “sr=new StreamReader(fs,UnicodeEncoding.GetEncoding (GB2312));”采用GB2312编码读取才不会读出乱码出来,最后发送信息即可,“SmsX1.SendUnicodeSMSMessage (rsPhoneNum.ToString (),rsSmsText.ToString (),6,false,); ”其中各个参数的含义可以参照Oxygen的帮助。最后在服务停止时释放短信息对象“SmsX1.Close ();” 如果出错,则写出错服务LOG文件“eventLog1.WriteEntry (E.Message.ToString ());”这样,在Windows的“事件查看器”就可以看到出错的信息了。 ?2=@w"D/nj
XU B#~swa
但是这里有个小小的遗憾,通过OCX控件发出的短信息前面有一串该网站的英文,但是注册版不会有这串字。 h\.9]t:Hy
由于在单位使用到发手机短信息的地方有很多,可能是从网页、可能是OUTLOOK中的窗体、也可能是某台非Windows操作系统的主机的某个系统,所以经过思考探讨,觉得最好的解决方案是采用Windows的“服务”,定时从一个目录中固定格式的文本文件中读取出相应的信息,发送出去。而其它客户端只需往该目录写入文本信息即可。思路定下来后就让我们开始吧! 2fV\d?SB
先交待一下开发平台: M=6XYU
, !gsI_6|w
Windows 2000 Advance Server操作系统 _[G:i*)
Visual Studio .Net |JQzS.P/F
Oxygen Sms ActiveX Control V2.3 (Share Ware) ?F<YUeT
Nokia 3210手机通过数据线接在COM1上。 !Ir~iob
运行Visual Studio .Net,新建一个C#的项目,选择“Windows Server”类型的项目,命名为“SmsServer”。在Server1的设计画面,将“ServerName”命名为“SmsServer”。点击“视图设计器按钮”切换到设计画面,在“Windows Forms”工具箱中拖一时钟控件,命名为“SmsTimer”,在“Components”工具箱中拖一“EventLog”控件。命名为“eventLog1”。在“项目”菜单中点击“添加引用”,选择“COM”页,浏览到安装Oxygen Sms ActiveX Control V2.3程序的目录,找到SMSControl.ocx添加到“选定的组件”中。 w s?{(Zl
将Server1.cs代码替换为 PsT?tK^,;
o8_)f COS
using System; BC8I!*SN
using System.Collections; uh1*|Ww^E
using System.ComponentModel; x_{rP{I
using System.Data; 9i'/d ,Y/
using System.Diagnostics; +Zu)Z<3c-S
using System.ServiceProcess; |5-*,ao
using System.IO; RmK~/PFU
using System.Text }jLL
namespace SmsServer I=6q!`
{ btS cU;n
public class SmsServer : System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase pTnf0WI
{ ivz-/6_(x
private System.Timers.Timer SmsTimer; 1RR2|O
private System.Diagnostics.EventLog eventLog1; mzKZL8bz
public O2SMSXControl.O2SMSX SmsX1;//定义手机短信对象 -D;J*0'
// <summary> F}}GyC
// Required designer variable. W d5FV,BL
// </summary> #;;:~;lXk
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null; } WCyFj:9
public SmsServer() ! M:z<5E"
{ vW abjA.f
// This call is required by the Windows.Forms Component Designer. & ecD
Bc } /onP
InitializeComponent(); #5& 8) V
// TODO: Add any initialization after the InitComponent call EY,~)[`
} SCpv}6`0
// The main entry point for the process 8[wgsY$HK
static void Main() q$^Lpd4
{ C/8K7MC'N
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] ServicesToRun; s[ Qz:I)
// More than one user Service may run within the same process. To add 6=C,d2ILC
// another service to this process, change the following line to |_8cYTXw
// create a second service object. For example, x3CKx&NS
// _L=+mdeq
// ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] {new Service1(), new MySecondUserService()}; cyi7!zGc
// R5/~oAd[
ServicesToRun = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase[] { new SmsServer() }; wX7
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase.Run(ServicesToRun); y#$z4lE#
} tM 3-p
/// <summary> w[i' -jD
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify }6H>z P
/// the contents of this method with the code editor. T6qA6
/// </summary> `Gvv0>aw
Hq p$SA{B
private void InitializeComponent() +4{MNmoB
{ e%; u,!PK+
this.SmsTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); . ~!SUg0m
this.eventLog1 = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog(); u^ 1L9Y
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.SmsTimer)).BeginInit(); V4tvh*Jn
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.eventLog1)).BeginInit(); NnB!8|-
// tL8>sY;
// SmsTimer D+)}8v9
// >68 6Y9qJ
this.SmsTimer.Enabled = true; #X)s( |7w
this.SmsTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(this.SmsTimer_Elapsed); B pt}!}8
// N"j=7
// SmsServer ~W_AiT h[
// uj`f K
this.ServiceName = SmsServer; f =1[
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.SmsTimer)).EndInit(); `7j!S!'8
((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.eventLog1)).EndInit(); g'i & 5dX
} Nq\)`X7N0
/// <summary> =Q)T$yg?
/// Clean up any resources being used. Z=v -;j@%
/// </summary> S.yVJ[e(
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) s)6`$?Zj
{ `]^"q5h'P
if( disposing ) k4o aX
{ 7vvo$'.
if (components != null) g{:-w|x2
{ ktEWo:,R@
components.Dispose(); E"1ZD'%y
} d1/5'JZA
} j;p]Fbf*b
base.Dispose( disposing ); ?H%q<2WvJ
} K.!oV!?q
3i$? )0l<
/// <summary> U'~j6P06
/// Set things in motion so your service can do its work. [.!\}0z*
/// </summary> QcEf_s*3
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) )`Eeo
{ v87}p/
// TODO: Add code here to start your service. mA(a:rY-
//开始服务时初始化手机. a|"}Np{
SmsX1 = new O2SMSXControl.O2SMSXClass (); rmo|& 2X7
SmsX1.ConnectionMode = 0; //联线类型cable 2j JIOm1
SmsX1.ComNumber = 1; //联接端口为com 1 vt'[^.r
SmsX1.Model = 0; //手机类型3210 iT{OdL
SmsX1.Open (); //联接手机 ]x+yrS3qQh
SmsX1.SetSMSCNumber (+8613800754500);//信息中心号码 ocUCtu2*g
} m{;= vD
/// <summary> rwk98SU-t
/// Stop this service. NmTB'RRK
/// </summary> @HA
dR(B \O
protected override void OnStop() B37V3N&
{ }5U|3|\6
// TODO: Add code here to perform any tear-down necessary to stop your service. dl jFB\
SmsX1.Close (); Wy12;iuCf
} wZH7(&l96a
private void SmsTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) O ,"mLE[
{ O3Y0#^
//当f:\\sms\\data\\filetosend有文件时,先关闭时钟,将其发送出去,并删除掉文件再启动时钟 \kIX*rq #
this.SmsTimer.Enabled =false; 81o^PdK
g A[wO@
//目录对象 ?k'zKV[c
DirectoryInfo cd = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(F:\\\\Sms\\\\Data\\\\FileToSend); #}hzU q
//数据库记录变量 #"KTqqH
string rsId; x(,`6+:kd
string rsPhoneNum; v~&-p"OA'/
string rsSmsText; [Q #u4Fx
}k 0 8}Rv
string StrSql; V}SN}4$L
g8DH; =t
//首先,在当前目录中列举当前的所有SMS文件 ]QA B_
foreach(FileInfo FileSend in cd.GetFiles ()) 7w|Y "`g
{ >1" ZIwp&
try .=>Kw
{ }c8M,5c
//依次打开每个文件读取文件内容 < z/ yQJ
FileStream fs = new FileStream (cd.FullName + \\\\ + FileSend.Name,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read ); P"DFkc
StreamReader sr; mG)y 3G
sr = new StreamReader(fs,UnicodeEncoding.GetEncoding (GB2312)); '9wl %4edn
rsId = FileSend.Name .ToString (); k#dizXK`S
rsId = rsId.Replace (.sms,); \FSb0T$[4
rsId = rsId.Trim (); AHq? .Xe
rsPhoneNum = sr.ReadLine (); G0=\&rv_zK
rsPhoneNum = rsPhoneNum.Trim (); YfAk#pRF
if (rsPhoneNum.Length >11) 'ZHxS(
rsPhoneNum = rsPhoneNum.Substring (0,10); @0;;5a
rsSmsText = sr.ReadToEnd(); N'\9v SR%
rsSmsText = rsSmsText.Trim (); vVpAWI>nd
if (rsSmsText.Length >50) o]e!G(E
rsSmsText.Substring (0,49); 7Y\ToJ}
fs.Close (); DL:!%_
sr.Close (); ] `N:~*
//发送短信息 @R=,'\Wk
SmsX1.SendUnicodeSMSMessage (rsPhoneNum.ToString (),rsSmsText.ToString (),6,false,); pC_j6;nn.
//备份并删除文件 K y9g)y
FileSend.CopyTo (F:\\\\Sms\\\\Data\\\\HadBeenSend\\\\ + FileSend.Name ,true); GR)c7Y'*8
FileSend.Delete (); a6a}4EpT
} tbky Fm
catch(System.Exception E) u;w `F
{ ft5}N*C(e6
//出错写LOG文件 it 'gS=8
eventLog1.WriteEntry (E.Message.ToString ()); C(3 Wn:mg
} OvLH<;v
} ,h5"Z 2L
//重新启动时钟 rNlUh
this.SmsTimer.Enabled =true; tG[K j+
} UywGpZkcr)
} lXx& ^D,]{
} e|@nNk
在 Server1.cs切换设计画面,在属性窗口下点击“Add Installer”,系统自动增加ProjectInstaller.cs文件,点击serviceInstaller1,设置“Server Name”设置为“SmsServer”,点击“serviceProcessInstaller1”,设置Account为“LocalSystem”。 ,J0\Y
选择菜单“生成”中的“生成SmsServer”,改正可能有的错误。进行DOS命令行,进行项目目录的\\bin\\debug目录下,执行“installutil SmsServer”,如果找不到installutil程序,就先Path一下。这时,在管理工具的“服务”下可以找到“SmsServer”服务了。启动该服务。这里默认源为目录F:\\Sms\\Data\\FileToSend,如果这个目录有.SMS文件,就读取其第一行为发送的手机号码,第二行到文本结束为短信息内容,然后发送短信息,再将文本备份到F:\\Sms\\Data\\HadBeenSend\\。 ALjo<6(?
$~ .
让我们再回头看一下Server1.cs中的代码。首先在命令空间要增加“using System.IO; using System.Text ”方便处理文件及文本对象,在命名类时 J*Rqeaq=8
public class SmsServer : System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase 5PP$x):)E
{ RHp]>~
private System.Timers.Timer SmsTimer; sxT"#x
private System.Diagnostics.EventLog eventLog1; ,(l_ 8
public O2SMSXControl.O2SMSX SmsX1;//定义手机短信对象 8:-W~sWks
...... O.+^+k
引用Oxygen控件中的定义SmsX1对象,然后在启动服务时初始化手机对象: * y!q#JB
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) 9o\^h(J
{ @ea!u:?i
// TODO: Add code here to start your service. eMPm_|
//开始服务时初始化手机. l.K PqIJ
SmsX1 = new O2SMSXControl.O2SMSXClass (); Lx\c*/
SmsX1.ConnectionMode = 0; //联线类型cable P`2dtF;
SmsX1.ComNumber = 1; //联接端口为com 1 Es8yl
SmsX1.Model = 0; //手机类型3210 8EX`v0lEe
SmsX1.Open (); //联接手机 X EY|8n
SmsX1.SetSMSCNumber (+8613800754500);//信息中心号码 ,)N- 5g
} @(0ix;o_L
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其中要注意的是要初始化信息中心号码,如果不初始化,经常有发不去的情况。然后当时钟触发时ya 注意先将时钟关掉,再列举当前目录中的.SMS文件,逐一发送出去,再将时钟打开,同时在读文件时,要注意文件的编码 “sr=new StreamReader(fs,UnicodeEncoding.GetEncoding (GB2312));”采用GB2312编码读取才不会读出乱码出来,最后发送信息即可,“SmsX1.SendUnicodeSMSMessage (rsPhoneNum.ToString (),rsSmsText.ToString (),6,false,); ”其中各个参数的含义可以参照Oxygen的帮助。最后在服务停止时释放短信息对象“SmsX1.Close ();” 如果出错,则写出错服务LOG文件“eventLog1.WriteEntry (E.Message.ToString ());”这样,在Windows的“事件查看器”就可以看到出错的信息了。 ?2=@w"D/nj
XU B#~swa
但是这里有个小小的遗憾,通过OCX控件发出的短信息前面有一串该网站的英文,但是注册版不会有这串字。 h\.9]t:Hy